Thursday, 24 July 2008

Cut from the same cloth!

Nas supported a petition against racially biased smears and reports by Fox News and hand delivered it and all 600,000 signatures to Fox studios. 
 This...NOT Li'l Weeezy... tells me Hip hop is not dead!

As well as a brilliant example of social mobilization, this IS hip hop!

So to me, it’s all good and the channel needs to be identified as the hotbed for the right-wing sensationalism and inflammatory rhetoric that it is. When you report sh*t like this (see video) the sooner people realise and switch off the better!

Now I for one spud all my terrorist bredrin…which has included nearly half this blog!

Then I thougt to myself, to be fair, there’s a wealth of other media outlets that aren’t as biased and could give a better, more objective account of the news, especially here in the UK where (aside of the Sun, News of the World and other tabloids) we’re not as crass as (some of) our US cousins. So I’m happy! FCUK-A-FOX-NEWS!

If I want real news I could read the Times or watch Sky News or go online right?!

Well take a look at this…

and this…

Not funny right!?  So yeah, lets shout about Fox all day long, Bill O’Reily "rah rah rah!!" But people please don’t let this be a decoy that takes our minds from other so called “news” sources which are essentially cut from the same cloth. Further more lets remember there’s ONE big organ grinder behind all this that's paying the piper… “and he who pays the piper, calls the tune”.   


Ragzinho said...

smashed it Big Daddy V.

elzo said...

That was a fonkin brilliant blog!! i checkd out everything! ur on point!!!
All of it gets me vex but the 'terrorist spud', shit we might aswell all be terrorists in their eyes!!

Beware of wot u watch or read kids, they all tryna delude our minds to think they way they want us to think!.....

Waste Republic said...

Very nicely done, Sir.

So where does 'Myspace' fit in all this malarky?

Inka Hero said...

You know my solution is to just get land blah blah...

but what else can we do???

'old it up