Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Woody Harrelson I SALUTE YOU!

I uh... I thought you were a zombie... that's why I beat you to a pulp... not at all because you were pissing me off and I fancied giving you a good kicking... it's the zombie thing I SWEAR!...

Alrite so he didn't say it like that but it's just as amazing honestly I think I love woody Harrelson even more than I previously did... he gave us his loveable dim witted self in Cheers, I enjoyed him in indecent proposal and obviously his finest moment White Men Can't Jump... but this, this is well WOW... L-O-V-E him!


Basically Harrelson got understandably irate with a paparazzo lost it and chased him through an airport and broke the dudes camera. In the video footage the paparazzo is heard accusing Harrelson of assault... over and over and OVER again, he DESERVED more than a punch. Harrelson in a statement released on Friday as his excuse for his behaviour states (now pay attention people... this is how to produce the worlds best & entertaining excuses)
''I wrapped a movie called Zombieland, in which I was constantly under assault by zombies, then flew to New York, still very much in character,'' Harrelson said. "With my daughter at the airport, I was startled by a paparazzo who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie.''
Awesome! He can beat up whoever he likes as far as I'm concerned... If your response is going to be that imaginative... do what you will!!! Perhaps if Chris Brown had said... nah it's too soon right??

In the full Vid footage... you can see how you'd be pushed to violence with this annoying mother fucker stalking your every move and producing an aggravating nasally commentary that makes you want to boot him in the goolies...