Tuesday, 31 March 2009

What have we learnt from Porn?

Perhaps that you shouldn't order it on tax payers money... As the whole country is likely to find out, especially if your wife's Jacqui Smith...

Jacqui Smith has apparently racked up a £157,000 in expenses claims ridiculous in itself they're obviously spending too much in a climate of recession you'd think you'd try and keep extravagant expenses on the down low, we all know what happened to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette... 'Let them eat Porn'

Recently I've personally hit a dry spell exemplified in that I now take great value in the silver coins in my purse. Gone are the days when I'd drop the silvers and disregard them- real talk, these are broke times! and in light of that fact, to be honest whether I were rich tings or not I would still not be willing to help fund anyone's porn habit or T.V. and Internet connection... buy porn with your own money you penis! As if paying for Oyster Cards, Rent and Bills aint enough and the fact we're going through massive recession now I have to think about money to buy Porn for people who are certainly more privileged than the majority of us... ahhhh NAH!

Thing that suprises me is how dense is he... how has a man of his age not learnt to hide porn... I thought men instinctively knew how to hide porn like they just instinctively knew the how to of self love, alie?

“I am really sorry for any embarrassment I have caused Jacqui. I can fully understand why people might be angry and offended by this," he said “Quite obviously a claim should never have been made for these films, and as you know that money is being paid back.” - Richard Timney

He understands why we "MIGHT" be angry... Waste... can't conceal porn, spending too much money he also has untrustworthy eyes.