Saturday, 14 March 2009

Senor Kaos: Girls Rock Too


Now I'm not and never have been the burn your bra type. If anything, I'm more for the way of doing things, where men and women all had a place in society and played their position. But that's not the case. And it aint easy out here.

I finally started to get attention for my music. But I get more attention (especially from men, and even moreso from men in the industry) when I put on a skirt and heels. I dont feel like doing that all the time. I reckon if I didnt get the WRONG kind of attention when I did, I would do it more but some people dont know how to act. Watching too much porn. Sex aint the only thing about me. And for f*** sake, STOP tryna turn me into what your mind has stereotyped me as. I'm female, not a prostitute.

There, I said it.

And I can almost guarantee I would have gotten a lot more outta this industry had I chosen to use my body, as a opposed to my talent. Its really sad. And that's an everyday battle kids. EVERY. DAY.

That's why I sighed a breath of relief when I saw this, and wont lie, I did kinda well up cos how many times you hear this? See this? Not one booty shakin', hot-pant wearin', hip-swingin', horny-looking, promise-of-sex having hoochy mama in sight. Only a speech of recognition and respect for all the other great things we can be, and we can do. Over a killa beat.

Senor Kaos, I salute you. Girls Rock Too.


elzo said...

Sewuesse...u ROCKK!! Ur heads in the right place or so it seems...ur gonna make it no doubt!!^_^

B said...

This post is a little bit amazing! song is lonnng overdue! xx