Monday, 19 May 2008

camden: not all its krakked up to be...

Really now boys and girls, there's something fundamentally wrong with todays concept of a popular drinking culture. Its a terrible thing when you're paying well over 3 pound a pop for a pint of stout; its really not on but we tolerate it. Our fondness for going out on the ravage, smoking fags and looking hard has led us into a nasty routine of pissing our hard earned cash up the wall, regardless of the cost (fiscal, physical and mental)

Alas, theres nothing we can do about it. Or is there?

Behold, the product of an enterprising young chap who clearly thought :

"What is the ultimate protest one can bestow upon this overpriced, crack-chic endorsing hovel of a public house?"

And the answer came to him in a streak.

In fact, in 3 streaks.

3 streaks of his own shit.

Nothing says "fuck the establishment" like a trident of shit smeared down the tiles with your own rancid digits.

I attracted some attention whilest taking this photo, a couple of gentlemen asked "Are you taking photos of knobs?"

I was about to answer that i was actually taking a picture of the shitty paw print, but realised, in the nick of time, that such a statement would fail to show me in a favourable light. It really is a tough choice; would one prefer to be seen as a scat loving chancer, or a photo-oppurtunistic cottager?

Ah, the timeless dilema.

Easily resolved though, I told them to pull their necks in and mind their own business, and left with my dignity intact, floating on an enigmatic cloud of mystery.


Inka Hero said...

do a filth squat LOL dirt bagz