Friday, 15 August 2008

Facebook Deleted Cable!!!

So I went to sign in earlier this evening, and was informed that my account has been "disabled"....which basically means they've deleted my ass (the reason is still unknown) from Facebook....

Damn! So I've had to start up again, and get on re-adding all my past contacts....Shame really, as I had accumulated a solid fanbase, and was getting a number of bookings through my profile....

Now, I use this just like any other DJ as a means to promote myself, my mixtapes, music and to also meet new people and keep in touch with old school/college/uni friends....I'm hardly a spam bot, so I don't see what the problem was...

Anyhow, if you were on my list, or if you wish to add me, click here.

I'm now on there as "Chris Deejay Cable" - due to a clamp down on nicknames/aliases.