Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Now all the fellas say 'AAAOOOWWWW'....

An anti-rape device

"FemDefence is a tampon-sized tube outfitted with a sharp pin, which is safely inserted into the vagina to protect against rape. It is also not real."

That's right... a digitally produced prototype designed to spark dialogue about violence against women... wow.



Monstar said...

Sorry!!! What!!! You mean women are suppose to wear that thing or just carry it around coz I can finish this Debate right here before it even starts. What women enjoys that monthly visit and the apparel one has to wear? What women would feel she should have to plug herself up because there are crazy sick freaks out there????

AAHHHH lets just get old testement and chop their shit off!!!Wyclef "ONE TIME!"